Camping and Hiking in Yosemite

Camping at Twin Lakes, near Bridgeport

Victoria and Niko Crossing the creek Niko, Jensen and Victoria Jensen Niko

Deer in campground Rex and deer in campground

Making smores in camp

Nico and Rex Rex Jensen's smore Jensen roasting marshmellows Victoria's smore

Jensen Kent roasting marshmellows Kent roasting marshmellows Kent eating his smore Rex

Kent roasting marshmellows Kent eating his smore Jensen at Sunset Kent roasting marshmellows at sunset

Breakfast in camp

Debbie Kent and Jensen toasting poptarts Nico, Kent, Victoria, Jensen

Climbing Mt. Dana in Yosemite

Sara on the way up Mt. Dana Jensen and Kent heading up Mt. Dana Sara halfway up Mt. Dana Niko and Kent watch Jensen sleep on top of Mt. Dana Jensen dreaming about pretzels on Mt. Dana

Niko, Jensen and Kent on Mt. Dana looking towards Yosemite Valley Looking north from the top of Mt. Dana Kent on Mt. Dana, looking south Kent on Mt. Dana, looking north Kent on Mt. Dana, looking west towards Mono Lake

Kent on Mt. Dana, looking east towards Tuolumne Meadows On Mt. Dana, looking northeast towards Mono Lake On Mt. Dana, looking southeast towards Mono Lake On Mt. Dana, looking south On Mt. Dana, looking east towards Tuolumne Meadows

Rex sleeping on Mt. Dana Kent showing off his abs in the cold on Mt. Dana Jensen, Kent and Malcolm on Mt. Dana, Tuolumne Meadows in the background Jensen and Kent heading down Mt. Data towards Tioga Pass Jensen and Kent heading down Mt. Data towards Tioga Pass

Jensen and Kent heading down Mt. Data towards Tioga Pass

Playing in the creek below Twin Lakes

Jensen crossing the creek below Twin Lakes Niko and Debbie Jensen throwing rocks Jensen throwing rocks Debbie and Sara

Niko, Debbie, Sara and Jensen Niko, Debbie, Kent, Sara and Jensen Jensen Kent, Sara, Malcolm and Jensen Kent, Sara, Malcolm and Jensen


Climbing Lembert Dome above Tuoloumne Meadows

Kent Kent Sara, Kent and Malcolm Kent and Jensen point out Mt. Dana Jensen and Kent tower over Sara

Jensen and Kent fight over Sara Kent and Jensen Kent Jensen Sara, Jensen, Kent and Malcolm

Jensen walking out towards Lake XX below Lembert Dome Kent and Jensen at Lake XX Jensen and Kent walking down Lembert Dome

Playing in Tenaya Lake

Kent, Jensen and Malcolm build a canal on Tenaya Lake Jensen, Sara and Kent show off their canal at Tenaya Lake Sara and Kent at Tenaya Lake Jensen working the sand at Tenaya Lake Jensen swimming in Tenaya Lake

Jensen swimming in Tenaya Lake Jensen and Kent at Olmsted Point

Last updated Sat Dec 5 10:00:29 2009.  Copyright (c) 2009 by Malcolm Slaney. All rights reserved.