Halloween 2000

Kent, the contractor (and with Ross and Jay the Ninja Turles?)
Picture from 10/28/2000 02:52:17 Picture from 10/28/2000 03:38:29 Picture from 10/28/2000 04:10:57

Mostly the Sunnyvale crowd (Ross and Jay and Pam)
Picture from 10/28/2000 02:50:54 Picture from 10/28/2000 03:40:09 Picture from 10/28/2000 03:42:31 Picture from 10/28/2000 03:43:37 Picture from 10/28/2000 03:44:41

Hurray, a lap full of three year olds. Kent and Julia
Picture from 10/27/2000 21:42:15 Picture from 10/27/2000 21:50:59 Picture from 10/27/2000 21:51:32 Picture from 10/27/2000 22:07:18

Katie and Julia
Picture from 10/27/2000 20:08:37 Picture from 10/27/2000 20:10:57 Picture from 10/27/2000 20:49:17 Picture from 10/27/2000 22:07:36

Last updated November 30, 2002.  Copyright (c)2002 by Malcolm Slaney. All rights reserved.